Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dates for your Diary

Family Service
Our monthly Family Service will be held this Sunday, December 4th, at St. Mark’s. The service begins at 10.30am with Reverend Bill Griffiths. Everyone is welcome to join us, families in particular! There is a play table at the rear of the church for smaller children, with games and colouring provided.

Bible Study
Bible Study continues on Tuesday December 6th at Willoughby Vicarage (off a lane near the village pond). The meeting starts at 7.30pm and finishes at 9pm. We are reading from the Book of Genesis; newcomers to the group are always welcome! If you would like further information, you can contact our curate Bill Griffiths on 01788 890309.

Coventry LGCM Carol Service
Also, beyond our local benefice, the annual round of carol services begins this weekend with Coventry LGCM holding their Carol Service on Sunday 4th December at 8pm at Earlsdon Methodist Church. New members and supporters welcome.

Coventry Doom Painting and the coming of Advent
In the heart of Coventry itself, the Festival of Doom and Light has just come to a spectacular end at Holy Trinity Church where - in a series of seminars, choral events and candlelit services - they have been celebrating their medieval Doom Painting along with the coming of Advent.

But there’s no need to worry if you missed the Doom Painting events. Situated right in the city centre, near the Cathedral, Holy Trinity Church is open every day for shoppers to drop in for a few moments of quiet prayer and reflection, view the beautifully restored Doom Painting and perhaps visit the gift shop!

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