Friday, September 08, 2006

Reading the Bible Every Day

365 Ways to Make a Difference: Daily Bible Readings

A new book available from Christian Aid draws on the true stories of people working with and touched by Christian Aid's partner organistions. It challenges readers to connect their personal faith to what is happening around the world today. This specially commissioned book offers a Bible reading for every day of the year, with reflection, a prayer and even a suggestion for practical action.

Priced at £14.99, this fascinating book is available from the Christian Aid catalogue and website. Visit for details of how to buy this and other Christian products. Christian Aid says all profits go back into funding development projects around the world.

Reading the Bible daily has long been part of Christian discipline and faith. This can be done without any need for 'explanatory notes' or other accompanying material, but some people do find it helpful to have their reading structured.

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