Sunday, January 28, 2007

Bishop Colin Announces His Retirement!

On January 24th, the Bishop of Coventry, the Right Reverend Colin Bennetts, announced his retirement with effect from December 1st 2007. He will be 67 years old.

"I would like to see a confident, growing church, inspired by the Gospel ... "

According to the Coventry Diocese website, since moving to Coventry with their four grown-up children, two sons and two daughters, Bishop Colin and his wife Veronica are now busy grandparents with six grandsons and one honorary granddaughter.

Speaking of his hopes for the future, Bishop Colin says:

"I would like to see a confident, growing church, inspired by the Gospel, serving the community and not taking itself too seriously. However I would like to stress that I am here for the rest of the year and not hanging my mitre up just yet!”


You can read more about Bishop Colin's career and his retirement plans at either BBC Coventry & Warwickshire or on the Church of England's Coventry Diocese home page.


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