Thursday, May 04, 2006

Join us for monthly Monday meetings, starting 8th May.

Although there will be no services at St. Mark's for a few months, the Flecknoe PCC have arranged for monthly meetings of one hour approximately, to take place over the summer to ensure we don't lose touch with each other. The meetings will start on Monday 8th May. Subsequent meetings will be June 12th and 10th July. There will be no meeting in August.

The first meeting will be at 7.30pm at Hillcrest House, Flecknoe, Monday 8th May. We will be discussing why church attendance across all denominations is continuing to diminish, with reference to a recent ecumenical survey looking at statistics and possible reasons for this decline. Discussion will be informal and anyone is welcome to come along.

For more information, please contact our churchwarden, Andrew Grant, on 01788 891076.

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